Gangland Attacks on Fat Tuesday!

Today was a lazy day for us.  Most of the town was closed down for Fat Tuesday (the day before the Catholic holiday of Ash Wednesday).  While Rio and New Orleans have massive parades on this day, Cuenca goes into a mass hysteria of kids bringing out all their big guns.  Everywhere you go are […]

Playing Carnaval

We had scheduled a tour of the surrounding craft villages for today.  Efrain was there waiting to pick us up at our hotel a few minutes before the scheduled time.  We have noticed that everyone is on time, and even restaurant service is fast in Cuenca — not at all what we have come to […]

Silly Foam Fight

Squirt guns have been left at the door, as it seems every kid in town is now toting an aerosol can of Carnaval Foam.  This looks like a cousin of the “silly string” we have terrorized friends with in past years around New Years.  A broad spray of foam is sent out to the hapless […]

Squirt Guns

Shot in the back!  Squirt guns rule the roads!  All flee in panic! Carnaval is upon us, and here in Cuenca, Carnaval is more “water war” than booze.  The weather is warm and (mostly) kids roam the streets, often in the back of their parent’s pick-up truck, spraying anyone they see — with Gringos being […]


We took a 30 minute TAME flight from Guayaquil to Cuenca at 7AM. While in the airport and on the flight, I attempted to read the Spanish language newspaper, and was very pleasantly surprised at how much I could understand.  I have rarely attempted any spoken Spanish since we sold our last airplane in 1992 […]

Flying Down to Ecuador

Our trusty airport limo driver was outside our door this morning at 4:00AM sharp.  Oh well, I’m already up and showered, so no need to curse him for being prompt at that hour… The American Airlines flight from San Francisco to Miami was one of the roughest commercial flights I can remember. I got a […]

Old Friends in Sedona

We drove into Sedona yesterday afternoon, an “artist community” in the Arizona mountains that Evelyn has wanted to visit for years.  We arrived early in the afternoon, allowing plenty of time to peruse the art galleries.  First stop was lunch at a small deli recommended by a timeshare salesman at an info booth.  The sandwich […]

Canyon de Chelly

We got up early this morning to take a full day tour into the canyon.  It seemed a bad sign when we heard that 20 people could be packed into a single truck, but it turned out that everyone else was going on a half-day trip.  The 6 of us met the minimum for the […]

Grand Canyon To Canyon de Chelly

We got up before dawn this morning and headed over to Bright Angel path for sunrise photographs.  We walked partway down the hiking path for a better perspective, with the results still less than stellar.   After sunrise, we headed over to the mule enclosure.  I was thinking of maybe doing a series of close-ups […]

Photo Galleries

At the top of this page is a menu that will take you to a variety of galleries showing our favorite images.