Plein Air in Déleg

Two paintings completed by Evelyn on this trip

(post by Evelyn)

It has been 10 years since I painted with acrylic paint in plein air, and my experience with the paint was so frustrating that I switched to oil. This time the experience was different… I painted in the shade and used larger puddles of paint. Plus, Gary Myers, formerly an art teacher from Santa Fe, New Mexico, has such a calming effect and is able to bring out the creative side of everyone in the workshop.

The Déleg work shop is definitely worthwhile. Gary discussed adding a sketching outing, where the van would move the students around to different areas over the course of a day. His current plan is to rotate between Thursdays and Saturdays weekly, and his goal is to develop an art community who could paint together.

I was able to complete one painting before lunch and one after lunch, both shown above. Arie provided a delicious barbecue chicken for lunch, and was always attentive with paint, water, and drinks. Overall, it was a great workshop.

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