Free Music Everywhere

Free jazz concert in the plaza behind Iglesia Todos Santos

We continue to be amazed by the amount of free music around Cuenca.  A couple nights ago we were walking towards a restaurant and heard a band tuning up.  We wandered over a block and found a hard rock band playing on a temporary stage next door to the Coffee Tree.  That one was a bit too loud for our tastes, so we left fairly quickly, wishing to keep what hearing we still have…

Tonight we heard about a free jazz concert a couple blocks from our condo, so we went over to listen to it after dinner.  This was a local jazz group playing in the courtyard of Todos Santos, one of the beautiful old churches in town.

Tomorrow there will be a free symphony performance, which we will also likely go to.

1 thought on “Free Music Everywhere”

  1. Thanks for adding this information. The photos are lovely and it's nice to know there is a choice of music on the same night! Great post and greatly appreciated.

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