Locra Papa with La Warmi

Locra Papa is an Ecuadorian specialty that Evelyn loves when done well. La Warmi held a cooking class this morning in which they taught how to make it, along with a chicken and hearts-of-palm salad.  I decided to go and see if I could learn anything useful.  I ended up eating the absolute best locra papa and salad I have had since coming to Ecuador!  There were only two of us in the class, after three people cancelled. I doubt those people have any idea what they missed, but WOW!

By the way, “locra” means “thick soup“, so it is a faux pas to refer to it as “locra papa soup“…

Here are some of the ingredients.  I plan on making this at home soon, and will post a full recipe once that is done.  Lower-center shows me taste testing, and declaring the locra ready!

Kathy Abad is the main teaching chef.  She speaks almost no English, but can cook up one heck of a meal.

Virginia Lopez is the assistant chef. She speaks perfect English, as well as being an excellent chef in her own right. She does almost all the verbal teaching in the class.

Unfortunately, La Warmi doesn’t have a web site up yet, so I can’t provide a link to them.  If you want to find out what classes are coming up, contact Virginia, at least for the next couple months.  She did announce that she is moving to Salinas in July, so I am hoping Kathy can find someone else as talented to work with her to continue these classes.

2 thoughts on “Locra Papa with La Warmi”

  1. Yep. As I said in the post, I will make this at home soon, and will then share the full recipe. We will be traveling for the next couple weeks, but I expect to post the full process in June.

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