Joys of Home Ownership

We love our new apartment here in Cuenca.  One of the things we were glad to be rid of was the ongoing maintenance we had on a California house built in the 1920’s.

Seems that follows wherever you own property though…

There is a parking lot next to our building, and about a month ago the lot attendant pointed out to our building security guard that there was a wet patch on the outside wall.  After some analyzing of photos vs visible windows and support beams, we concluded it was in one of our showers.  We were told it would cost about $200 and take a day to fix, so we said to go ahead.

As happens everywhere, the problem was harder to find than expected, took longer (a month instead of a day), and required finding more parts and tile than originally planned.  A month later, we can finally use the shower again, and the final cost was $400.  At least when the overrun is 100% here, the pain is still pocket change…

Of course, the day the shower was fixed, we finally had an electrician look at adding an outlet we wanted.  In the process, he broke a ceiling light, so now we have to wait for parts for that.  Seems there is always something…

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