Alberto Soriano Art Show

Alberto Soriano has been Evelyn’s painting instructor since we arrived in Ecuador.  He is a well known painter, originally from Peru, who has exhibited throughout the world.  Last month he and his wife were featured in an article in the local English language magazine, Zero Latitude (click here to read the article).

He opened a show this week called Universo Mágicoin downtown Cuenca at the Galería de la Alcaldia (the Mayor’s gallery), where we attended the opening reception.  The images above are from his Manglares series — one of three series of paintings that he showed off that night, plus some watercolor paintings.

There was a sizable turnout for the reception, mostly composed of expats.  Alberto has developed quite a following among that group, and half a dozen paintings were sold in the first hour.

These paintings were also included, from his “Pre-Columbina” series

Alberto’s “Urbano” series was also represented by these paintings

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