Birthday Party, Ecuadorian Style

Adrian plays the charango, while Marcos plays guitar We were invited by an Ecuadorian family to join a combined birthday party tonight.  Three members of the family (Gloria, Adrian and Stephanie) have birthdays in May, as does Evelyn, so they decided on one combined party for everyone.  Charango from Burt Johnson on Vimeo.   Let […]

Police Car Celebration

I have mentioned several times that Ecuadorians find any excuse to celebrate, and that I always carry a camera with me because I never know when I will stumble upon another parade or party. Well, how about celebrating the police getting some new cars?  Yep, that’s enough reason for a celebration around here!  Evelyn and […]

Futbol Pandemonium

  Futbol Pandemonium from Burt Johnson on Vimeo. Futbol fans really get into a frenzy, jumping around like kangaroos I have gotten into the habit of always carrying a small camera with me around Ecuador (for those interested, it is a Sony RX-100 MK II).  I never know when I will turn a corner and […]

Viernes Santo

Today is Good Friday (“Viernes Santo” in Spanish) in the Christian religion, which commemorates the day on which Jesus was crucified on the cross. Many Catholic churches in town had small parades where a statue of Jesus on the cross was taken around the neighborhood.  Iglesia La Merced is one such church, about a block from our […]

Semana Santa

Ecuador is a very Catholic nation, and Cuenca is a city with numerous free concerts and symphonies. It is therefore no surprise that there have been a series of symphony concerts all week, each at a different church.  Tonight we attended one at “The Old Cathedral” on Parque Calderon. We arrived a little late and […]

Palm Sunday and Cajas Art

Today was Palm Sunday for the Catholics in town, but we started the day by returning to Lake Zorrocucho in the Cajas, where we spent last Sunday.  Alberto drove us there again, and then Evelyn painted en plein air.  We were joined this time by Shimi — an artist friend from Danville, back in the […]

Foundation Day

Cuencanas take any excuse to celebrate, and they don’t limit their holidays to just one day.  This weekend is an example, commemorating Foundation Day.  This is the day (celebrated for four days…) that marks the time 457 years ago that the Spanish declared Cuenca a city.  As in North America, there are a few purists that […]

High End Apartment Rental

  The “New Cathedral” is a constant sight from our living room window, but during a few celebrations during the year, it is lighted in the evening, giving us a new nighttime view. Technically the Foundation Day celebration doesn’t start till tomorrow, but a few events jumped the gun and started tonight.  Lighting of the […]

Mommy, Where Do Fireworks Come From?

 We have been eating our way across Southern Florida the last few days, as well as stopping in art stores, office supply stores and others, buying stuff we can’t get in Ecuador.  Today, we were driving along the Tamiami Trail, heading North out of Naples, and I saw a humongous fireworks store.  I had never […]

Everglades Airboat

This afternoon we drove from Miami to Naples, across the Florida Everglades.  Along the way, we stopped at Buffalo Tiger’s Everglades Airboat tours.  We have seen these airboats periodically on TV and in the movies, and this was our chance to see what they were like to ride.  This tour guide had the highest rating […]

Photo Galleries

At the top of this page is a menu that will take you to a variety of galleries showing our favorite images.