Procession of the Jesus Statue

This is the statue that is moved from church to church every four days

Prior to arriving in Cuenca, we had read in various sources that there were 50, 52 and 55 Catholic churches here.  Everyone seemed to have a different number.  The actual number turns out to be 67, as evidenced by the official schedule of processions of a status of Jesus moving to each parish in turn.  Today we caught the procession of the statue being brought to Iglesia de la Virgen del Bronce (Church of the Bronze Virgin).

The parade consisted of a sound truck, one float, and hundreds of kids mostly in angel or shepherd costumes.

As the parade approached us from a distance, we could hear the blaring sound truck that led the parade. The parish priest walked alongside, as it pounded out Jingle Bells — in English!?

The single float was a car draped in cloth with costumed kids riding along. At the end of the parade, parishioners waited,


The parade ended at the Iglesia de la Virgen del Bronce. The new church on the right is used for masses, while the original old church on the left is used for other purposes.

The old church was being used today for about a dozen Nativity scenes created by the kids

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