Yet Another Unexpected Parade

There are celebrations and parades all over Cuenca this time of year.  The trick is finding out where and when they will be ahead of time.  There have been many nights that we hear fireworks, step outside and see them glowing from one direction or another.  The times and locations vary all over the map, with fireworks being seen at 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 10:30, midnight, and even 2:00AM once.  The shows are all over in 5 minutes or less, so no time to grab a camera and head that direction once they have started.

This morning we were eating breakfast and heard a brass band out front.  Sure enough, another unexpected small parade was rolling by our front door.  I put on some shoes, grabbed a camera, and went out for some quick grab shots.

This was another Pase de Nino parade again, with a small Christ doll carried in a car.  There were three cars covered with cloth for make-shift floats, and one motorcycle with a Santa sleigh cover.

The small parade consisted of roughly 50 people dressed in the usual angel and wise men costumes, along with a brass band.

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