Energy Drinks Not Needed

I ‘discovered’ energy drinks in 2012, and started using them frequently when I became tired.  Nodding off on a long drive? Energy drink to the rescue!  Tired in the office after lunch? Energy drink let me focus on the software to be developed.

I expected these would be hard to find in Ecuador, so I bought a case of them before leaving.  Brought several in our suitcase, and a full case is in the container that we expect to arrive next month.

However, I discovered an interesting truth in the last couple months.  Now that I am retired, if I am sleepy, I just take a nap!

I had to wait in a rather long line at the butcher yesterday.  While there I struck up a conversation with a gringo who has been retired a few years, and living here in Cuenca for two years. She commented that whenever she gets stressed over waiting now, she reminds herself that she is retired and is no longer in a hurry.  That helps her calm down and accept the slower pace of life here.

Now if I can just find someone that wants to keep going at high speed and can use a case of energy drinks…

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