Baptism Parade

Iglesia La Merced was the starting point for today’s parade celebrating the Baptism of Jesus

Yet Another Parade is almost becoming a mantra around here. Seems every week (day?) we walk out the front door and find a parade under way or in the making.  Today it happened again.  After yesterday’s small parade and the massive fireworks of last night, we were not overly surprised.  Hearing the music through our office windows, we decided to head down to the street and see what was up.  Sure enough, a parade was forming up about a block away at Iglesia La Merced.

As I described yesterday, today celebrates the Baptism of Jesus Christ and is the third of the Epiphany events of Christianity.  Let’s just jump in for some photos from the day.

Police were around mostly to direct traffic for the parade

Not sure how clowns figure in the celebration, but there were several in the parade

Cuencana’s love their music — and always loud. Cars with special speakers cranked to full volume made sure everyone in town knew they were there…

A statue of Baby Jesus had honorary position at the front of the parade

Lots of other baby statues were seen on other floats and cars too

There were more horses than cars… so watch your step!

Most parades here have groups of dancers. This time the very young were prominent dancers too

Food was abundant, and many of the kids were eating along the way

This ambulance had lights flashing and alarms blaring, but nobody would give an inch.  Not a good idea to have an emergency in this town…

There were lots of kids on horseback, usually with a parent within arm’s reach

Kids were being kids and playing when not actively part of the parade

And of course, kids always know how to be cute… even when not trying

As the parade progressed along Av. Loja, you could see the New Cathedral towers in the distance

At the end of the parade, there was a free meal for everyone at the Fátima neighborhood

2 thoughts on “Baptism Parade”

  1. Actually, Paso de Niño is on Christmas Eve — you can see my post on that massive parade here:

    That is the first of the Christian epiphany celebrations. Other Epiphany events include the arrival of the 3 Kings, the baptism of Christ, and the turning of bread into fish (Jesus' first miracle).

    This parade was on the date that Catholics celebrate the baptism of Christ. Hence the title I gave it in this blog post.

    For more info, you can look at wikipedia (, or just Google "Epiphany events of Christianity" for many more detailed links of each of those events and celebrations, along with their dates.

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